Dealership Performance 360 CRM introduces Text to Pay

Dealership Performance 360
CRM introduces Text to Pay

In a world where customers expect the buying experience to be quick, easy, and seamless, text messaging is the go-to communication method. It is known that 90% of customers prefer texting to any other method for communicating with a business about questions or details related to their purchase, according to a study from FranchiseHelp.

It makes sense that customers would also prefer and be more likely to follow through with a purchase if they could make the payment via text. Dealership Performance 360 CRM provides dealers with the Text to Pay tool, allowing dealers to send invoices and get paid all through text messaging. Customers have the option of making payments through Apple Pay and Google Pay in addition to regular payment methods. Dealership Performance 360 CRM also provides dealers with a Status Page built into the CRM.

This helps dealers easily keep track of the texts they’ve sent, the recipients they’ve contacted and more. The Text to Pay feature as well as the Status Page serve as efficient tools to help dealers get paid faster and make it easier for customers to pay on time. Most customers today wouldn’t choose to make a payment in person or over a lengthy phone call, but even modern digital options can be inconvenient.

Text to Pay eliminates the hassle of emailed invoices and online payment platforms that require downloading files, remembering passwords and other extra steps. This tool involves a very simple process – once a customer opts-in to receive texts from the dealership, dealers can send them prompts, reminders, links to pay invoices, receipts and confirmations.

Buyers complete their purchase in seconds, and dealers maximize opportunities for sales while efficiently keeping track of all transactions. Making a payment on a high-ticket item – especially a non-essential or luxury item – can be a time-consuming and stressful process. Text to Pay eliminates the time and trouble that can contribute to a customer’s hesitancy. A simple yet highly effective tool, Text to Pay is a necessity for high-performing dealerships.